Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random thoughts with a shocking ending!

Well I keep thinking all of the time that I need to blog to you guys. I have some funny thoughts at times and at others times I have very deep and spiritually thoughts. Some here are the cliff notes of some of them.

*Pulling weeds out of the yard. We pull the easy ones first. Then we sit back and look how much we go down, but deep down I just see more of the harder and ugly ones. I feel like there will always be weeds in our yard. The question comes down to will I ever be happy to have enough weeds pulled. This reminds me so much of my spiritually life with sin.

*Never thought I would be so happy to see trash day. All of my rock are finally gone. Today I woke up and needed to take the trash out. I heard the trash man so I put a bra on and run outside to pull the trash can out. Oh Crap! He at my house already! He stops and waits for me. My first thought was he is being really nice, but then my second thought was... I think he waiting to see if I can move my trashcan with rocks in it. (It was the first trash day in 5 weeks with no rocks)

*I have overcome a big fear in my life. No its not frogs. That is bigger than ever. (esp since Phil found the biggest frog I have ever seen in my life under a rock in front of our house) But instead it's storms. I have finally decided... Yes there are tornado down here, but none that will make my house disappear like they do in AR. If a tornado hits our house it will just do some damage. We will probably have to buy a new house or something, but we would live. Last night we had a storm and I was able to sleep through it instead of staying up late with a flashlight, watching reruns of the golden girls and calling my dad every 10 minutes.

*Lastly... I need your prayer. As many of you know I had serveral friends that found out they were pregnant. Well a few weeks ago they both had a doc appointment on the same day. I was so excited for them. Then I got thinking... hmmm when was my last period. I then realized it has been awhile. I told Phil and he told me to take a test. I refused but he made me. So I did. Well guess what.... it came back positive. I about passed out! I thought these things lie anyway so I don't believe. I told one the next day... positive. I took another one later that day. Positive. Crap the only thing I can pass right now is pregnancy test! Well after I picked myself off the floor we called the doc. So I go to the doctor on Thursday to see the heartbeat. I have been so sick the past 2 weeks and my face is breaking out like I was 13 again.

Please Please do not tell anyone until you heard until the appointment went well. We feel like the appointment should go well since I am so sick and my face is breaking out so badly. These are really good signs. This is a huge shock to us. Not exactly our plan. We haven't hardly told anybody yet. We have been trying to get adjusted to the thoughts our self. I think I am okay with the timing. The only thing that I don't like is I still have so much of my previous baby weight on. But I am really excited about having another baby if this is God's will.

Anyway that is it for me for now. Love ya! I just wanted ya'll to hear it from me and not anyone else.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Keeping my eyes on the... Trash Truck.

Sorry for the vacation...
So I have been working in the yard. As of right now I have only killed 1 plant. I am cleaning out our rock garden in the front yard. Man! The previous owner didn't realize a little could go a long ways. Did they go to Kindergarten? Well since we no longer have a truck this only means one thing. Slower keep putting rocks in my trash so the garbageman picks them up.

Great plan! I have even learn that I can put the trash can on my side of the street. They pick up it then I fill it up and push it on the other side of the street before they turn around. It would have work perfectly! Blast trashman! They decided to go to the other side of the street first. Okay 1 point trash man. So I feel the trash can halfway full with rock. I am thinking to myself can the truck pick up trash can? It is so heavy I barely can move it myself.

I sit wait on Tuesday and Fridays. I hear the big truck coming... my heart is racing... racking so quickly.... in my head I am going back and forth "Did I pick the right side of the street?" The truck is getting closer it turns the corner.... BLAST it's the recycle guys! So I have to wait and wait again. I hear a truck again, could it be the trash man? Nope it's the recycle boys again. GRRRR! An hour past by and I hear a truck again! I lower the blind. I don't want the trash man looking at me. What if my trash can is too heavy? Am I breaking a law? Is he mad or laughing at me.

Double blast! My trash can is on the wrong side of the street. Do they switch it up for people like me that want to double dip taking out their trash? Okay this it! No more recycle boys and it's for sure the trash man on my side of the street. The blinds our lower the video camera is on.... he picks up my neighbors, it's finally time. Will the truck be able to pick my half of my yard rock.....
YES IT DID! Sadly, it didn't even have trouble. It's like it laughed at me saying "Ha! That nothing! I laugh at your yard rock."

Then I grind really big and thought you just want till Friday and see what I have for you. I am going to load that trash can all the way full with rock!

Tune into next week when we will see.... Trash Truck vs Rock Trash. Who will win?

ps I am going to try the other side of the street first. I hope I get it right this time.